Congratulations on your pregnancy!! This is a beautiful time in life and Iā€™m honoured that you are considering adding me to your birth team! As a birth support, I am here to provide you with unwavering support and guidance throughout your entire journey. My services are designed to cater to your unique needs, ensuring that you feel empowered, comfortable and supported every step of the way.

During the prenatal period, I offer a series of personalized visits to help you prepare for this life-changing experience. We will discuss your birth preferences, explore different techniques to help with discomfort and address any concerns or questions you may have. I will also provide you with evidence based information so you can make informed decisions that align with your wishes and values.

When it comes time for labour, I will be there by your side, offering continues emotional and physical support however that may look to you using various relaxation techniques, breathing exercises and comfort measures and helping you create a calm and nurturing environment tailored to your preferences. Throughout labour, I will offer guidance to both you and your partner, ensuring that you both feel involved and empowered.

After the birth, I will continue to offer support, assisting with initial (breast)feeding, ensuring you are comfortable and settled and provide information on newborn care. I am also available for postpartum visits where we can discuss your birth experience, address any challenges you may be facing and provide resources for additional support if needed.

As your birth supporter, my ultimate goal is to create a safe, nurturing and empowering space for you to welcome your baby into the world. I will be your trusted companion, offering emotional support and guidance throughout this transformative journey while you take the lead in YOUR journey! Together, we will ensure that your birth experience is as positive and memorable as possible.