The arrival of a newborn can bring a whirlwind of emotions, from joy and wonder to exhaustion and uncertainty. In the midst of this transformative journey, the importance of postpartum support cannot be overstated. It is a sacred time, a period of huge significance, not just for the new baby, but for the mother as well.

Healing is a very important element to this delicate period. The body, having undergone the miraculous feat of childbirth, craves tenderness and care. It's in the soothing touch, the warm baths, the nourishing meals and the deep diving into the emotional journey where healing can begin. I acknowledge the profound journey the mother has undertaken and postpartum support offers a haven for her body and soul to mend.

Resting can be challenging during the early weeks of new parenthood. This is when overnight care can be really helpful. Having overnight care gives the chance for the parents to reclaim a piece of themselves and to gather strength for the days ahead. I understand the importance of rest, overnight care provides you with the opportunity to have a good nights rest knowing your little one is cared for.

Postpartum support in the from of a doula is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It's a tapestry woven from love, care, and understanding, tailored to the needs of the mother, the newborn, and the family. Postpartum support is the gentle guidance of a knowledgeable hand, the reassurance of a voice that understands, and most importantly, it is the empowerment of a new parent finding their way.

I provide support that is unique to the individual family, adapting and evolving with each visit. I offer guidance with things such as (breast)feeding, sleep, healing and so much more!